2016 December Monthly Horoscope Predictions by KT Astrologer | |
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Sun will be transiting into Vrichika (Scorpio) Rasi and Dhanu (Sagittarius) Rashi during this month. Rahu will be in Simha Rasi and Ketu will be Kumba rasi. Mercury will be in Dhanusu Rasi and gets retrograde on Dec 19, 2016. Venus will be in Makara Rasi for entire this month.
Exalted Mars on Makara Rasi is moving onto Kumba Rasi on Dec 11, 2016.
Saturn has crossed first 7 padas in Vrichika and still two more padas to cross. Saturn will move onto next sign on Jan 27, 2017. The impact of Saturn will be very severe Dec 17, 2016 to Jan 27, 2017 without any break! People running unfavorable Saturn transit needs to be more careful during this time.
Click here to view the transit planets for the month of Dec 2016
Jupiter will be in Chithirai Star 1st Pada from Dec 4, 2016 and Jupiter will deliver its results aggressively before it gets retrograde on first week of Feb 2017.
How you will get impacted because of gochar planets can be read by clicking through your moon sign given below.
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