2016 March Monthly Horoscope Predictions by KT Astrologer | |
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Sun will be transiting into Kumba Rasi and Meena Rasi during this month. Rahu on Simha Rasi and Ketu on Kumba Rasi will start delivering results since after their transit on Jan 2016. Both Mercury and Venus will be transiting into Makara and Kumba Rasi in this month. Jupiter will be moving very fast but in backwards for entire this month.
Saturn and Mars conjunction is taking place for entire this month and will continue until Sep 2016. Saturn will be moving very slow to go retrograde on March 26, 2016. Saturn will have more power than usual for entire this month. Its conjunction with Mars can create major events for everyone�s life. It can bring big fortunes and windfall profits for Makara (Capricorn), Midhuna (Gemini) and Kanni (Virgo) Rasi people. This conjunction aspect is not looking good for Viruchiga (Scorpio), Simha (Leo), Mesha (Aries) and Rishaba (Taurus) Rasi people.
Saturn and Mars conjunction will always amplify the intensity of the problems. When it happens through backward motion of both Saturn and Mars, it would be considered as a life time event. Unfortunately it is not going to be a good news for many people. This aspect is capable of affecting all the people (for all 12 Rasis) some point of time during this 7 months period. You can expect to have many disasters including earth quakes, floods, monsoon, extreme summer and winter seasons and man-made disasters like war, etc. Besides this aspects can lead to economic collapse including real estate burst.
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