2017 February Monthly Horoscope Predictions by KT Astrologer


Sun will be transiting into Makar Rashi (Capricorn) and Kumba Rashi (Aquarius) during this month. Rahu will be in Simha Rasi and Ketu will be Kumba rasi. Mercury will be fast moving from Sagittarius to Aquarius. Mars will be in Pisces moon sign for entire this month.

2017 February Monthly Horoscope written by KT Astrologer

Saturn has entered onto Sagittarius on Jan 27, 2017 after spending about two years in Scorpio. Jupiter getting into retrograde motion on Feb 5, 2017. Both Saturn transit and Jupiter retrograde are the major events in the month of Feb 2017. The other big change is Venus is getting exalted and moving slowly on Pisces Moon sign to get retrograde on March 4, 2017.

Click here to view the transit planets for the month of Feb 2017

Note that Saturn transit in Jan 27, 2017 is not a regular transit and it is a faster movement and will get into backward motion on April 5, 2017 and enter back onto Scorpio on June 22, 2017.
Jupiter getting retrograde, is called a correction phase. If people having favorable Jupiter transit from Aug 2016, did not experience positive results due to weak maha dasa, they will see big fortunes but short lived for couple of weeks this month. It is applicable Meena Rasi, Rishaba Rasi, Simha Rasi, Viruchiga Rasi and Makara Rasi people under the influence of malefic Maha Dasa.

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