2018 August Monthly Horoscope Predictions by KT Astrologer


Sun will be transiting from Kataga Rasi (Cancer) to Simha Rasi (Leo) Aug 15, 2018.Venus will be in Kanni Rasi (Virgo) in deblitated motion for entire this month. Retrograde Mercury will go direct on Aug 19, 2018 and stay Kataga rasi for entire this month. Exalted Retrograde Mars go direct on Aug 27, 2018.
Saturn Rx will continue to move backwards in Dhanushu Rasi (Sagittarius). Jupiter will be moving fast on Thula Rasi to deliver its results in this month. Saturn will go direct on first week of Sep 2018.
Retrograde Mars will continue to create geo political tension, trade wars and collapse in real estate market. Natural disaster or man-made disaster are possible by Aug 28, 2018.

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