2021 February Monthly Horoscope Predictions by KT Astrologer


• Venus will be moving from Makara Rasi to Kumba Rasi on Feb 27, 2021.
• Sun is transiting from Makara Rasi to Kumba Rasi on Feb 12, 2021.
• Mercury got retrograde in Makara Rasi on Jan 30, 2021. Its retrograde cycle will complete on Feb 21, 2021. Mercury will be in Makara Rasi for entire this month.
• Mars will be in Mesha Rasi until Feb 21, 2021 and then move onto Rishaba Rasi.
• Rahu will be in Rishaba Rasi and Ketu will be in Vrischika Rasi for entire this month.

The mega conjunction of 5 planets happened on Jan 14 and 15th 2021 would have created many changes in political, social, and economic aspects. To make things worse, 6 planets – Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are making conjunction on Feb 11, 2021 and Feb 12, 2021 in makara rasi. We need to go more challenges even in Feb 2021.
Once Sun and Moon comes out of Makara Rasi on Feb 14, 2021, the mega conjunction will come to an end completely. I believe covid-19 and new variant will peak around this time and then start moving down. Jupiter making trine aspect with Mars from Feb 21, 2021 is a very good sign as it is kicking off Guru Mangala Yoga. This aspect will help to control the covid-19 pandemic aggressively.

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