2021 January Monthly Family and Relationship Horoscope Predictions for Aquarius (Kumbha Rasi)

Family and Relationship

Jupiter on your 12th house will give mixed results in relationship. But you will have better experience due to Saturn making conjunction with the Jupiter on your 12th house. Mercury transit on your 12th house will also aggravate the existing pain in relationship. You will feel emotionally weak in this month. You may get little relief due to mars transit on your third house through your friends. If you are running weak mahadasha come on you may experience temporary separation.
It is not a good time to finalize marriage proposal for your son and daughter. You need to depend on your Natal chart for making any important decisions. You will get a good deal of relief only when Jupiter move on to your second house of Kumba Rasi by first week of April 2021. If you are running weak mahadasha you may even get humiliated in front of your family and relatives. Jupiter on your 12th house will make you spend more money for conducting suba karya functions or buying costly gifts for your relative to maintain your status quo.

Should you have any questions based on your natal chart, you can reach out KT Astrologer for consultation, email: ktastrologer@gmail.com

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