Mahadasha (Antardasha) in Vedic Astrology

Importance Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology


Mahadasha is very important in predicting a natal chart in vedic astrology. Mahadasha is capable of creating yogas or doshas and can alter the effects of the transit planets. If a person want to attain wealth, success or popularity, mahadasha need to support them. Mahadasha is of 9 types - Rahu Mahadasha, Guru Mahadasha, Sani Mahadasha, Budha Mahadasha, Ketu Mahadasha, Sukra Mahadasha, Surya Mahadasha, Chandra Mahadasha and Magal or Kuja or Chevvai Mahadasha. The sum of all Mahadashas are totalling 120 years of timespan. How 120 years is divided into 9 dasha is explained under Vimsottari Maha Dasa page.


Vimsottari Maha Dasa by KT Astrologer


The longest mahadasha that is more than 15 years are Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Mercury and Jupiter. The shorter Mahadasha are that is <= 10 years are Ketu, Mars, Sun and Moon.



How we determine the efects of Mahadasha?


1. For each mahadasha, the dasha lord is taken into consideration. For example Venus Mahadasha, the placement of planet venus is important.


2. Note down the signs ruled by the planet. For example, Venus rules to Libra (Thua) and Taurus (Rishaba). For Mesha (Aries) lagna, it will be 2nd and 7th house.


3. If the dasha lord is placed in Trikona or Kendra, it is called benefic house.


4. The effects are mahadasha is determined with the placement of dasha lord in its own sign, friendly sign, exalted or debilitated.


5. The aspect the dasha lord with other planets. It can be conjunction, square, opposition, benefic and malefic aspect by other planet, or mutually aspecting with other planet like parivarthana.


Based on the above 5 planets, the effects of Mahadasha will vary for each horoscope.



Vimsottari Maha Dasa influence is very important and its period and sub period calculations are explained on this article.


There are 12 rashis and 27 stars. The position of the moon at the time of birth is important for calculating the Vimsottari Maha Dasa. If the person born on the star of Aswini or Makam or Moolam, then the lord is Ketu. The person will start with Ketu Maha Dasa. The star has got 4 padas and each pada consists of 3 degree and 20 minutes and hence totalling 13 degree and 20 minutes (800 minutes). Depends on the length of dasa period (given below) and the remaining minutes on the star are considered to know how many days have been passed for the dasa at the time of birth.


Vimsottari Maha Dasa by KT Astrologer


Vimsottari Maha Dasa is totalling of 120 years and the split up for each dasa period is given below. The order must also be followed.


Ketu - 7 Years

Venus - 20 Years

Sun - 6 Years

Moon - 10 Years

Mars - 7 Years

Rahu - 18 Years

Guru - 16 Years

Sani - 19 Years

Budha - 17 Years


For each dasa period, there will be anter dasa called Bukthi. All maha dasa will starts with its own bukthi period and will have 9 bukthi period in the same propotion described above.


I have given here the length of bukthi periods under venus dasa:


Venus Bukthi - 1218 days

Sun Bukthi - 365 days

Moon Bukthi - 609 days

Mars Bukthi - 426 days

Rahu Bukthi - 1096 days

Guru Bukthi - 974 days

Sani Bukthi - 1157 days

Budha Bukthi - 1035 days

Ketu Bukthi - 426 days

Venus dasa total: 7305 days that is 20 years



Mahadasha (Antardasha) in Vedic Astrology

Ketu Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology

Venus Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology

Sun Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology

Moon Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology

Mars Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology

Rahu Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology

Jupiter Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology

Saturn Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology

Mercury Mahadasha in Vedic Astrology

Venus Mahadasa is good for Everyone?

Rahu Mahadasha (Dasa) can create Raja Yoga?