Vasthu Sastra - Entrance

Entrance is given paramount importance by people as per vasthu sastra. When you buy the constructed homes or plots, apartment, you do not have a choice on interiors however you will find a choice on which direction the entrance is facing?
North and East are considered auspicious to have the main entrance. However do not be panic if house entrance is not in the direction or North or East.
The main reason to have North and East entrance is because North is ruled by Lord Kubera denoting Money and Wealth. East is ruled by Lord Indira indicating Progress, growth, name and fame.
If you have natal chart supporting good wealth accumulation, then you do not need to worry on having entrance on North or East. It depends on what you want and not what the world thinks!
For example, if you have an excellent natal chart supporting great wealth accumulation and having lots of health issues, then keeping your entrance on North-West or South-East would be the good choice. Because North-West ruled by Air (Vayu Dev), South-East ruled by Fire (Agni Dev), indicates good health and long life.
You can make minor adjustments on installing the main door based on the direction.
1. For East Facing Home, Main doors need to be installed towards the North End. Rather than keeping it the exact center of East facing home or South End.
2. For North Facing Home, Main doors need to be installed towards the East End. Rather than keeping it the exact center of North facing home or West End.
3. For West Facing Home, Main doors need to be installed towards the North End. Rather than keeping it the exact center of West facing home or South End.
4. For South Facing Home, Main doors need to be installed towards the East End. Rather than keeping it the exact center of South facing home or West End.

Over if you see, keeping the main door entrance on North East, is conisdered more auspicious. North end of a west facing home and East end of a south facing home is also auspicious.
You might ask a question what is your home is facing on North East instead of North or East? In this case, keeping the main door at the exact center of the North East home is considered auspicious.
Still if you get confused, you can look into table given on the Main Page on Vasthu Sastra to see the elements and its benefits and you can go with what you want in your life.

Vasthu Sastra by KT Astrologer

Vasthu Sastra - Entrance

Vasthu Sastra - Kitchen

Vasthu Sastra - Dining

Vasthu Sastra - Puja Room

Vasthu Sastra - Study Room

Vasthu Sastra - Bed Room

Vasthu Sastra - Master Bed Room

Vasthu Sastra - Lockers / Jewels Storage

Vasthu Sastra - Bath Rooms / Toilets

Vasthu Sastra - Garage