Jupiter Transit (2016 - 2017) Health Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Aries (Mesha Rasi) | |
Aries | Health |
Jupiter on your poorva punya sthanam in the last one year, would have provided good support to maintain your health. Now Jupiter is on your 6th house, while Saturn on your 8th house is getting severe. The combined effects of malefic Jupiter and Saturn, is not looking good. If you are running weak maha dasa, then you may develop problems on your liver, hip bones, joints, back or gall bladder. Unfortunately, there is no surprise if you have to go through any minor surgeries.
Not all one year is going to create problems on your health. Since Saturn will be moving onto your 9th house of Bhakya Sthanam for about 5 months during this Guru Peyarchi. That can provide a lot of relief to you.
What you can do is, get enough medical insurance for the next one year to get good medical treatment if you run into any problems. Keep good diet and work out to maintain sound health. Keep enough prayers to gain positive energies and reduce the mental stress caused by Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu. Listen to aditya hridayam and hanuman chalisa to reduce the intensity of the health problems.
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