Jupiter Transit (2016 - 2017) Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Leo (Simma Rasi)


Congratulations for graduating from Janma Guru. There is no surprise if last one year has marked one of the worst year in your life time. You would have faced problems in each and every aspect of your life in the past one year including health, career, finance and investments, family and relationship, etc. Now Guru bhagavan is coming out of your Janma sthanam and moving onto your 2nd house in good position. It is really a good news for you.

There is no doubt that the next one year is going to be much better than the last one year. But you would have come down so much on your life and hence recovery would significant amount of time. Still Rahu and Saturn are in bad position only. Overall you will see very good results from Oct 2016 onwards. You will start seeing great improvements on health, career and finance. Still Saturn is not in great position, think twice before you make any investment decisions.

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