Jupiter Transit (2016 - 2017) Family and Relationship Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Libra (Thula Rasi)

Family and Relationship

Jupiter would have provided you excellent results in the last one year with respect to your family and relationship. Even though you are under the last phase of Sade Sani, you would not have noticed any malefic results. Now Guru bhagavan is moving onto your Viraya sthanam, which is not looking great!
You would have to go through many disappointments on your family environment. Even though you could conduct subha karyas, it would be stressful and can create problems on your relationship. You need to develop enough soft skills to handle the family problems. You may also have to live away from your family members due to long distance job, foreign travel or personal reasons. Your children will also bring unexpected bad surprises for you, to increase your mental anxiety.

You should have already came out of litigation with the help of benefic Rahu and Jupiter conjunction in the last 6 months. In case, if it has dragged to this point, then things would not go on your favor from this point. Since people close to you, also can play game against you. You will not know whom to trust. Take enough insurance to protect your personal properties can reduce the intensity of the problems to some extent.

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