Jupiter Transit (2016 - 2017) Health Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Sagittarius (Dhanushu Rasi)


You would have had sound health in the past one year with the strength of Jupiter. Saturn on your 12th house in the past would have created disturbed sleep and mental stress. But physical body would have got resilient. There is no surprise if you have got any awards on the sports competition or events like marathon.
Going forward, you will get exhausted for doing small amount of work as this year goes by. Unfortunately, if you are running weak maha dasa, you may start having mental anxiety and depression. If you are not careful, you will be surrounded by bad friend circle. You may even get addicted to drinking alcoholic beverages, chain smoking and other bad habits, which can make things even worse for you.

Because of Sade Sani, you would have to take more pressure on your mind. You would not find any good friends to share your problems. Your temper will shoot up. You need to avoid eating spicy food. You need to have enough prayers and meditation to keep getting more positive energies to stay balanced on your life. Take care!

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