Jupiter Transit (2016 - 2017) Health Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Virgo (Kanni Rasi)


Last couple of years would have been very good for your health. Especially you have done wonderful in the last over 6 months. Now the malefic impact of Jupiter on your Janma rasi will play a major role and can affect your sound health. Saturn and Ketu are in good position, that can offset the malefic effects of Jupiter. Still you would see at least some health problems that can cause dizziness, mental stress and weak immune system.
Your cholesterol and will levels will shoot up to an elevated level. You need to keep very good diet and exercise to maintain sound health. If you are running weak maha dasa and not careful, you will be surrounded by bad friend circle. You may even get addicted to drinking alcoholic beverages, chain smoking and other bad habits, which can make things even worse for you.

You will get exhausted for doing even small work. There is no fault of your physical body. But Jupiter on Janma Rasi will drain out your energy levels fast. Saturn will provide enough positive energies so that things would not go out of your control. You need to have enough prayers and meditation to keep getting more positive energies to stay balanced on your life.

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