Jupiter Transit (2017 - 2018) Love and Romance Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Aquarius (Kumbha Rasi)

Love and Romance

Your love life would have got affected badly with 8th house Jupiter in the past. You might have gone through humiliation in front of your friends, family and relatives at no fault of yours. With weak natal chart, you might have gone through broken relationship or engagements. Overall you were under miserable time for the last one year with none of major planets were in good position for you.
You will digest recent past bad incidents with Jupiter on 9th house. You will sort out the problems with your mate. If that is not possible, you will be getting ready to take new relationship. It is an excellent time to enjoy conjugal bliss for married couples. Long waited couples will get blessed with baby. Progeny prospects are high through natural conception or through medical help.

You may fall in love with the current planets position. It is a good time to propose your love. You will find golden time romance. Your love marriage will get approved by your parents. You can plan to go to your dream vacation spot as well.

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