Jupiter Transit (2017 - 2018) Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Libra (Thula Rasi)


Jupiter on your 12th house of Viraya sthanam in the last one year would have increased the expenses related to travel, subha karyas, etc. Now Jupiter is entering onto your first of Janma Sthanam. This is not the good news for you! You may experience problems on your health, family and finance in the next 12 months.
You are coming out of Sade Sani by Oct 25, 2017 that can provide good relief. Rahu on your 10th house and Ketu on your 4th house is not looking good. Hence you are due to experience mixed results for the next one year.

Saturn can provide positive results only in the long term. If you want to do any short-term projects to gain more success, then this you need to keep the ideas in the cold storage. If you are expecting any returns in the next 2 years or more year timeline, then you can move forward your ideas.

You need to avoid taking any major risks in the next 12 months. If you are conducting any subha karya functions, please check your natal chart for further support. The next one year can give both positive and negative results.

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