Jupiter Transit (2018 - 2019) Finance / Money Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Aries (Mesha Rasi)

Finance / Money

Your financial situation had improved in the last one year. You would have settled your debts with the strength of Jupiter. With Jupiter on 8th house from Oct 11, 2018, your financial growth will get affected badly. While income is steady, your financial commitments will continue to move up. Your savings will drain out at faster pace. You need to depend on credit cards for survival. Avoid buying luxury items and reduce your entertainment related expenses.
Your bank loans will not get approved with poor credit rating. Your credit card promotional rates will expire. You will start paying more on interest instead of principal. It is not good time to buy gold jewelries. If you are travelling, chances of theft are indicated on the cards. Make sure to take enough insurance to protect your personal properties and valuables.

It is not a good time to try out your luck from lotteries or gambling�s. Avoid borrowing money as much as possible. Avoid co-sign any loans to your friends or relatives otherwise it will become your responsibility. You need to stay patient to go through this rough patch. You can do refinancing between April 2019 and July 2019.

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