Jupiter Transit (2018 - 2019) Finance / Money Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Sagittarius (Dhanushu Rasi)

Finance / Money

Jupiter on 12th house of Viraya Sthanam, Janma Sani and unfavorable Rahu / Ketu transit will affect your financial situation adversely. While your income is steady, your expenses will skyrocket. Your financial commitments will increase with the addition of family member that is spouse or birth of a child or education expenses for children, etc.
Your credit card balance will also drain out soon. Your bank loans will not get approved with low credit score. You will pay more money towards interest instead of principal. There is no surprise if you must borrow money from your friends or relatives. You may be forced to buy costly items to keep your prestige. Stay away from lotteries or gambling. Avoid lending or borrowing money as much as possible.

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