Jupiter Transit (2018 - 2019) Family and Relationship Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru Gochar) for Taurus (Rishaba Rasi)

Family and Relationship

You would have suffered a lot in relationship with family members. If you are running weak maha dasa, you might have gone through temporary separation or serious fights with your spouse or close relatives. Humiliation in front of family and relatives would have created mental pain and anxiety. Family politics would have gone up in the last one year.
Now Jupiter is on your favorable spot. There will not be any more politics or problems from hidden enemies. You will discuss the problems openly with your spouse and family members. You will find a good solution to the problems. Family reunion and get-together will make you happy. You will gain respect from family and relatives.

Your children will listen to your words going forward. This will give you great relief. You will find a good match for your son or daughter. It is a good time to conduct any subha karya functions like engagement, wedding, baby shower, house warming, major milestone anniversaries, etc. Your family will gain good name and fame in your society.

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