2012 April Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Gemini (Midhuna Rasi)


Astrology - April 2012 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Midhuna Rasi (Gemini)

Sun will be transiting into your 10th house and 11th house during this month indicating that great success is indicated towards for entire this month. Any problems with government sector or immigration would be solved in this month. Jupiter and Mars are very much in favorable positions, but Saturn is being neutral with respect to money. Venus placement is not good and Mercury is reasonably placed well in this month. The effect of Jupiter transit into Rishabha and Saturn transit into Kanni by May 17 can be felt from this month onwards. Unfortunately both of these transits are miserable for you! This month will give an opportunity to safe guard your investments and final touch up on pending deals. But you have to expect the unexpected from end of this month onwards.

You have to stop speculative trading from this month onwards otherwise you will experience severe losses from your trades. But your income would be very good during this month and only for this month. You should stop any long term investments if you have any plans. You will not have debt problems currently but you have to try to stay on this level.

Because when saturn enters into your 4th house by next month, might cause problems with in all aspects of your life. You may have arguments with your spouse and children. Students will have to concentrare more on their studies. Business people and traders have to be careful when signing new contracts and trading. Take advantage of this month settle down well in your life. Because you may have to face bitter pills from end of this month.

Expect the unexpected from end of this month onwards.

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