2012 April Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Taurus (Rishaba Rasi)


Astrology - April 2012 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Rishabha Rasi (Taurus)

Sun will be transiting into your 11th house and 12th house during this month indicating favorable position in the begining of the month. Jupiter and Mars are not in favorable positions, but Saturn is reasonbly placed well. Mercury is favorable for the entire month. Venus and Mercury are good position. The effect of Jupiter transit into Rishabha and Saturn transit into Kanni by May 17 can be felt from this month onwards. Unfortunately both of these transits are not good for you! So be careful in everything you do from April 14 onwards as hard times ahead.

Stay away from any kind of investments and you will see unexpected losses as soon as April 14 onwards. But day trading and short term investments would yield only losses entire this month for most people. But work environment would be much better in the begining of the month and keep getting worse from the second half of this month onwards. You may have to borrow money to manage your expenses by end of this month. Mars is very strong in 4th house would create unncessary tension and health may have some setback. Students will have to concentrate more on their studies. Business people would find good deals in the begining of the month but the later part does not look good.

Inflow of money is likely in the begining of this month. Be careful in everything you do from April 14 onwards for the next 4 months. You have to face a series of bitter pills from end of thiis month.

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