2012 July Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Cancer (Kataga Rasi)


Astrology - July 2012 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Kataga Rasi (Cancer)

Sun will be transiting into your 12th house and 1st house indicating unfavorable position for entire this month. Both major planets Jupiter, Saturn are already in favorable position. Mars joined with Saturn is going to bring you awesome news for you! Ketu, Venus are also in a favorable position for you, but not mercury. Overall it is going to be another progressive month.

Your health and mind would be very energetic during this month. Your mind will get recharged completely with lots of positive energy supplied by both Saturn and Jupiter. To amplify this, Venus, Ketu and Mars will join together with Jupiter to give excellent results. With this combination, any crtical problems also get solved with simple medication.

Any conflicts between your spouse will get resolved with the support of Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Venus. Even if there is a temporary separation due to education, job or any other relocation, it will get fixed easily and your family will join together by end of this month onwards.

Are you single? Here you go! You will find a suitable match during this month. If eligible, you may also get blessed with a baby during this time. Your children will do excellent on their studies and you would be very happy about them.

No question of unemployment for you! You will get a nice Job definitely during this month, if it did not happen in the last month. You will get a very good offer with excellent salary package and position. You may get a visa to travel abroad or your existing immigration problems will get resolved during this month.

You would have started saving money from last month and now your expenses will get complete control. This is going to be excellent time for your finance.

Get ready to start trading, you can invest money into stock during this month. Stock market will yield great profits for during this month. You may get sudden windfall during this month. However check your natal chart whether it supports favorable for trading. Also try to close your position by end of this month, since you are due to start "ardhastama sani" from next month onwards.

You will be very happy for entire this month. Enjoy the cool breeze and have fun! Note: You will be placed under a testing period because of Saturn transit to Thula Rasi from Aug 03, 2012. However the malefic effects of saturn will not manifest much until mid next of year. Utilitize this great month (July 2012) to settle down in your life and also to protect your investments.

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