2012 July Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Libra (Thula Rasi)


Astrology - July 2012 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Thula Rasi (Libra)

Sun will be transiting into your 9th house and 10th house indicating favorable position in the second half of this month. Jupiter and Saturn are already in unfavorable position for you! Mars is on your 12th house will make things worst from bad. Mercury and Venus are reasonably placed well but it does not promise anything.

Sun, Mercury and Venus will provide you some relief, but major planets does not support your growth. So you have to be extra careful in everything you do. You will have go through painful incidents in your relationship that will create more anxiety affecting your health. You will have misunderstanding with your spouse or children or any other close family members. You will also have problems with your friends. Stay away from Love affairs, if single. Problems with love affairs are most likely during this month. The intensity of the problems will go down little from July 15 onwards.

You will face major setback in your career during this month. You need to adjust yourself in your work environment. Co-workers will point you for no reasons. Your managers will start doing micro management towards you! You can keep up your job with the support from Sun. Salary cuts are most excepted scenarios for you during this month.

Expenses will be sky rocketing with no income in some cases! You may have to borrow money to meet your financial needs. Stay away from stock market trade as huge loss and wealth destruction is indicated on the cards.

A severe testing period is seen during this month, eventhough you will find relief occasionaly during this month. Prayers and meditation will keep your mind stable. You have to depend on your natal chart for your life. Take care!

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