2012 June Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Aquarius (Kumbha Rasi)


Astrology - June 2012 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Kumba Rasi (Aquarius)

Sun will be transiting into your 4th house and 5th house indicating unfavorable position for entire this month. Jupiter is good position for you, but not saturn. Mercury and Venus would be good position. Rahu and Ketu placements are also not good. Mars entering on to your 8th house on Jun 21, 2012 will create more problems for you!

Since Jupiter is coming into better position from worst position is good and can support your health somewhat. But still your health needs attention because of saturn and mars placement. You need to do work out and keep good diet to maintain your sound health.

You will have conflicts with your spouse and other close family memebers. Any unnecessary arguments need to be avoided since there is temporary separation is also indicated on the cards. This will happen only on extreme cases. Marriages and other suba karyas need to postponed beyond your control.

Your work pressure will continue and will be same as last month. You need to bend well yourself in your work environment. Your managers will start doing micro management towards you! Conflicts with managers and co-workers are unavoidable. Bur your job would be in safe position since Jupiter is aspecting Saturn and Jupiter is much better position for you now. Problems with immigration also most likely during this month.

Jupiter will try to support your work environment well provided your natal chart supports. If you are unemployed, you may get a Job. But you may not satisfied with the offer you are receiving.

Expenses will be keep moving up! The Jupiter and Saturn movement is mixed, so some people may start saving money with their natal chart. Others need to wait for at least two months.

Stay away from stock market trade as huge loss and wealth destruction is indicated on the cards. Take care of your finance otherwise you may have to lose your hard earned money during this month.

A severe testing period is seen during this month also. Take care! You will have significant long term relief only by end of next month, that is July 2012. Once you reach here, you will grow for the next 18 months at least.

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