2012 June Monthly Horoscope Predictions by KT Astrologer | |
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Astrology - June 2012 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan)
Sun will be transiting onto Risbha Rasi and Midhuna Rasi during the month of June 2012. Saturn goes Direct Station on Jun 25, 2012 on Kanya Rasi is one important event during this month. Mars is entering on to Kanya Rasi on June 21, 2012 is another important event since it stayed on Simha Rasi since Oct 31, 2011. Nearly Mars stayed 8 months on one Rasi because of retrograde staion is unusal scenario and it is going to affect mainly on real estate sector. Since both Saturn and Mars are joining on Kanya Rasi from June 21, 2012, the effect will be huge. Of course, for some people it would be positive and others not. Venus going direct station on Jun 27, 2012 is another important change to watch.
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