![]() | 2012 March Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Sagittarius (Dhanushu Rasi) |
Sagittarius | Overview |
Astrology - March 2012 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Dhanushu Rasi (Sagittarius)
Sun will be transiting into your 3rd house and 4th house indicating favorable position in the first half of this month. As major planets Jupier and Saturn are very much supportive, you can go with speculative investments and day trading. Venus and Mercury is also in a favorable position during this month.
Speculative trading and short term investments including options trading would be very much successfull, especially in the first half of this month. Currently you will not have debt problems. You will have surplus money and consider buying a new home or land, even Mars in the 9th house might disturb you, it is a good time to start looking for a new home. Your health would be in good condition to enjoy your favorable time. Your work pressure will ease and you will get closer to higher management. You would get good bonus and promotion. If you are not happy with your job, it is an excellent time for changing your job. Business people and traders will see their windfall profits this month. Students will get great success in their studies and exams. This is the time you will see all around happiness. Make use of this good time to attain enough wealth, good name and fame.
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