2012 March Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Taurus (Rishaba Rasi)


Astrology - March 2012 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Rishabha Rasi (Taurus)

Sun will be transiting into your 10th house and 11th house during this month indicating that the entire month is very good for you. Jupier and Mars are not in favorable positions, but Saturn is very much favorable. Mercury is favorable for the entire month. Venus is not in good position.

As Saturn, Mercury and Sun are very much supportive, you can consider investments in short term. But day trading and short term investments would be successfull for entire this month. Work environment would be much better and your would goog recognition from your boss and superiors. The later part of this month will enrich you and you will manage your income and expenses very well. Any kind of serious debt problem, if any, would be controlled during this month. Mars is very strong in 4th house would create unncessary tension and health may have some setback. Students will outperform on their studies and they will score goog marks. Business people would find their profit is getting increased during this month. Overall you would be happy with your progress for this entire month. You will get inflow of money in the following dates.

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