2012 May Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Capricorn (Makara Rasi)


Astrology - May 2012 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Makara Rasi (Capricorn)

Sun will be transiting into your 4th house and 5th house indicating unfavorable position for entire this month. Both major planets Jupiter, Saturn will become very much favorable for you from May 17, 2012. Rahu, Venus, Mercury are already in favorable positions. Ketu, Mars will stay active to create problems for you.

You might have faced problems with your work and that would have increased your mental stress a lot. Now you will come out of stress since Saturn is moving back to 9th house and will clear any obstacles you have faced during last month. Jupiter aspecting your rasi after 7 years, is extremely good for you and you will feel the happiness by end of this month for sure.

You will have strong and very good relationship with your spouse and children as the month progress. You keep gaining energy every day during this month.

Many of you would have faced problems on your marriage getting delayed. Now the waiting time is over. Jupiter aspecting your rasi, will help you to find the right match for you. If eligible, you may also get blessed with a baby during this time. Your relationship with father will turn good during this month.

Are you unemployed or looking for a change? You will get a nice Job definitely in the coming weeks. Get ready to attend interviews. You will get a very good offer with excellent salary package and position. Note that since two major planets supports your growth, apply for a very big companies and demand for good position. Foreign trips are very much on the cards. You may get a visa to travel abroad or your existing immigration problems will get resolved during this month.

With the absense of Jupiter aspect in the past couple of years, your finance situation would have been terribe so far. Now you are going to feel the money breeze during this month. Sudden windfalls including lottery, bonus are most likely. You can ignore your worries about finance during this month onwards.

Get ready to start trading, you can invest money into stock from middle of this month. Stock market will yield great profits for you for next 3 months. You may get sudden windfall during this period. However check your natal chart whether it supports favorable for trading.

You will be very happy for entire this month. Congrats for completing 7 years cycle of unfavorable Jupiter placement. Now is the time to enjoy the cool breeze!

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