![]() | 2012 November Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Pisces (Meena Rasi) |
Pisces | Overview |
Astrology - November 2012 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Meena Rasi (Pisces)
Nothing has changed much for you from last month and your testing period will continue this month also.
Sun will be transiting into your 8th house and 9th house indicating unfavorable position for entire this month. Jupiter will reduce its malefic effect during this month because it is transiting on the star of Rohini. Saturn in 8th house will create problems with your health and family. Mars moving on to your 10th house would create more problems at your workplace.
You need to do work out and keep good diet to maintain your sound health. Jupiter, Saturn, Sun and Mars combination will affect your health adversely as the month progress. You have to play well on each and every problem you will be facing now. To gain more positive energy, you have to do meditation and yoga. If you have any support from a knowledgable person in your family, that would be great help.
You will have conflicts with your spouse and other close family memebers for sure. Any unnecessary arguments need to be avoided since there is temporary separation is also indicated on the cards. Marriages and other suba karyas need to postponed beyond your control.
Your work pressure will be more and hectic. You will have difficulties in completing the assigned task since you do not even have enough time to face your family problems. Your managers will be doing micro management towards you! Conflicts with managers and co-workers can be manageable. Overall if you do not play well in the current work environment, you may even lose your Job.
Expenses will go out of control this month also! But stay away from stock market trade as huge loss and wealth destruction is indicated on the cards. Jupiter will try to support on your family and finance front, but may not help much with miserable saturn aspect.
You are still under a severe testing period during this month also. But you will get some relief by end of next month onwards because of Mars and Sun transits!
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