![]() | 2012 October Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Virgo (Kanni Rasi) |
Virgo | Overview |
Astrology - October 2012 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Kanni Rasi (Virgo)
Finally you are the BOSS this month!
Sun will be transiting into your 1st house and 2nd house indicating unfavorable position for entire this month. Jupiter is in wonderful position for you. Rahu and Venus, Mercury are also in good position. Since you came out of Janma Sani, Sani impact would be very less. Mars on your 3rd house would give you enough energy to gain success in each and every aspect of your life this time.
No more health issues from this point. Since Saturn moved away from Janma Sthanam besides Jupiter is aspecting your rasi from 9th house, you will have very sound health. Mars in 3rd house will also give you sound health.
You will have very good relationship with your spouse! You will start fixing the any kind of relationship issues created by saturn in the past during this month. You would be very happy with any kind of relationship from this month onwards in general.
Are you single? It is the perfect time to start looking and find your match. Things will come under your complete control to take a good decision. The family and situation around you would give great support to make the correct decision on your marriage. If eligible, you would definitely get blessed with a child.
Are you unemployed or looking for a change? This will be out of the question from this month onwards since you will get an excellent Job during this month. It might happen anytime during this month. Besides you will get a visa to travel abroad since foreign opportunities are also very much on the cards.
It is going to be excellent time for your finance. You will start saving huge money currently and may very well start exploring options on investing into land or properties or buying a new home.
It is a good time to start trading, since your time regained very well. Initially go with trading only stocks with hedging or stop loss orders. Then you will find your path and you will know where you want to be!
It is going be an excellent month for you after a very long time in your life! you will see changes in each and every aspects of your life. Have fun and enjoy!
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