2013 February Monthly Horoscope Predictions by KT Astrologer


Astrology - February 2013 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan)

Sun will be transiting into Makara Rasi and Kumba Rasi during this month. Mars will be Kumba Rasi for entire February Month. Jupiter Direct Station in Rishaba Rasi has occured on Jan 30, 2013 and Jupiter impact will be very severe in February. The major event on February is Saturn going retrograde on 18th of this month.

The positive impact of Jupiter will be felt very much, that is 100% by Mesham, Katagam, Kanni, Viruchigam and Makaram Rasi People.

Should you have any questions based on your natal chart, you can reach out KT Astrologer for consultation, email: ktastrologer@gmail.com

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