2013 July Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Cancer (Kataga Rasi)


Astrology - July 2013 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Kataga Rasi (Cancer)

Sun will be transiting into your 12th house and 1st house indicating unfavorable position for entire this month. Mars would be on your 12th house to create more disappointments. Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu are not in good position. You will start feeling the real heat of Ardhasthama Sani during this month.

Your health condition will get suddenly have problems during this month. For no reason, you will feel very much tired and sick with your mind pressure. Keep diet and exercise to maintain your good health. Avoid long distance travelling for entire this month. Atleast avoid travelling during late nights.

The relationships with your spouse will get severe setback during this month. Your family environment would not be supportive during this month. Are you single? Stay caution. You have to avoid any proposals from this point since they are unlikely to get materialize.

Your work environment would also get affected severely during this month. Your manager will start pin pointing you and playing good politics against you! You need to have enough tolerance and patience to pass this hard time. There is no surprise if you get laid during this month. This is the perfect when people will lose Job. Keep in mind that it is hard for you to find another good Job for the next couple of months.

Financially this month looks terrible. Especially you will start losing all your savings slowly and ended up in borrowing money at higher interest rate. Saturn will make you feel your life with full of debts. Note that wealth destruction is indicated on the cards and so avoid any new investments during this month. You may very well close down the positions. [Note that if you close any position, it will go up. But if you hold anything, it will go down. Now the ball is in your court].

Only people with strong natal chart can stay at the same level.

You are being placed under a severe testing period because of Saturn placement in Thula Rasi and Jupiter in Midhuna Rasi. Keep prayers and meditation to keep your mind stable. Do exercise and yoga to protect your body. Have medical insurance from this point if you do not have one.

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