2013 July Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Capricorn (Makara Rasi)


Astrology - July 2013 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Makara Rasi (Capricorn)

Sun will be transiting into your 6th house and 7th house indicating favorable position until July 15th, 2013. Mars on 6th house can do wonderful things for you! Array of planets - Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu are already in bad position. With the strength of Mars and Sun, you would see some positive changes during this month. This month is looking much better than last month.

Your health condition would start recovering during this month. Still keep good diet, prayers and meditation to keep your mind stable. Your health recovery would be only for this month and it is going to be the short term relief. Gain energy as much as possible to take upcoming bitter pills from next month onwards.

You will have very good relationship with your spouse during this month. This is only for this month and this would be considered as short term relief! If you are eligible single, you have to wait for one more year to find the right match for you! The suba karya you are planning will not be expected to go as per the schedule.

Your work pressure will come down a lot during this month after July 10th. But it is better to stick with your current job for the next one year at least. The malefic effect of 10th house saturn will be in full force from this month onwards. Your visa and immigration benefits need to wait for couple of months and you will start developing hidden enemies at your work and social environment.

Your finance situation would get much better during this month compared to last month. The expenses will get come control. If you have any high interest debt, then it is a good time to convert it into low interest either by changing the lender with refinancing or by taking loans from your retirements account and paying your credit card debt.

Still You need to have complete medical insurance and coverage for entire family. Expenses related to medical, car and home are most likely.

Even though you are under severe testing period, you can relax yourself a lot during this month.

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