2013 June Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Leo (Simma Rasi)


Astrology - June 2013 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Simha Rasi (Leo)

Sun will be transiting into your 10th house and 11th house indicating favorable position for entire this month. Saturn doing direct station by end of this month would be great! Jupiter on your 11th house will make your life happy in all aspects.

You will start regain your sound health back during this month. Your mental stress would also come down drastically. It is a time to be optimistic for you!

The relationship issues with your spouse and children would get resolved during this month. You will start receiving support from your spouse and family. Your long term wishes will come true. You may very well go ahead and plan for any subha karyas. If you are looking for a job, utilize this great time and you will find the right match during this month.

Your work pressure will ease during this month. You will start receiving recognition from your managers. However if you are not happy with your current Job, it is the perfect time for you to apply for new jobs. Apply for positions from a big and well known companies since the chances are looking great for a while. If you have any immigration issues, it would also get resolved as early as end of this month.

Your finance situation will keep getting better. If you have any debts, you would start paying off them. Your expenses will come under your control. You will see your bank saving account growing faster. Inflow of money is likely from many direction. You may also consider investing in buying a new home or car. Besides you can enter onto stock market on the mid / long term basis. Speculative Option trading would not be good since it requires natal chart support.

Your good time has already started. Wait for couple of weeks to feel the happiness on your body. Have fun!

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