![]() | 2013 May Monthly Horoscope Predictions for Pisces (Meena Rasi) |
Pisces | Overview |
Astrology - May 2013 Monthly Horoscope (Rasi Palan) for Meena Rasi (Pisces)
Sun will be transiting into your 2nd house and 3rd house indicating favorable position from middle of this month. Saturn and Rahu are not in good position for you! Mars and Sun moving onto your 3rd house by later this month can provide you significant relief. Jupiter moving onto your 4th house is very good and it will help to reduce your finance and family problems.
Your health would be suffering now. You will get a great relief from May 15 onwards because of Sun, Mars and then Jupiter transits. By end of this month, you would regain your sound health back.
The relationship problems with your spouse will go down and you both will come to an mutual agreement in order to lead good life. The intensity of the problems would be much less compared to recent past and you would start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel/
Your work pressure will get ease and your hard work will get appreciated by your managers. Your managers will start supporting you and protect you from this month onwards. Your work environment would be very much supportive and hidden enemies and worst politics would completely be over during this month.
Your finance situation will get much better from this month onwards. You will come out of family problems. But note that you are still under Astama Sani. Since Jupiter stopped troubling you from this month, you would feel great relief but it is not the time to enjoy every moments of life. The one good thing is you have seen your bottom and you would start moving up in your life slowly.
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