2020 July Monthly Horoscope Predictions by KT Astrologer | |
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Sun is transiting from Midhuna Rasi to Kataga Rasi on July 16, 2020. Venus went direct June 25, 2020 will stay in Rishaba rasi for the entire month of July 2020. Retrograde Jupiter will be in Dhanushu rasi for entire this month. Rahu will remain on Midhuna and Ketu on Dhanushu Rasi for the whole month.
Mercury will go direct in Midhuna Rasi on July 12, 2020 and stay there for entire this month. Mars will be in Meena Rasi for entire this month. Retrograde Saturn will in Dhanushu Rasi for entire this month.
All planets have settled down in one sign shows that some stability. People will get more clarity on what�s going on by later this month. Jupiter and Mars making square aspect is not a good sign for stock market. As Saturn is making trine aspect with Venus, there will be manipulation in stocks especially related to drugs and vaccine for COVID-19.
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