2022 October Monthly Horoscope Predictions by KT Astrologer


2022 October Monthly Horoscope. Sun is transiting from Kanni Rasi to Thula Rasi on Oct 17, 2022.
Mars will be moving from Rishaba Rasi to Midhuna Rasi on Oct 16, 2022. Mars will be going retrograde on Oct 30, 2022, which is an important event. This can affect economic growth and real estate prices.
Venus will be deblitated in Kanni Rasi until Oct 18, 2022. Then it moves to its own sign of Thula rasi by gaining full strength.
Mercury going direct in Kanni Rasi on Oct 2, 2022 and then moves to Thula Rasi on Oct 25, 2022.
Rahu will be in Mesha Rasi for the entire month. Ketu will be making conjunctions with Sun, Mercury and Venus. Saturn going direct station on Oct 23, 2022 in Makara Rasi for the 3rd time. The impact of Saturn will be felt more after Oct 23, 2022.
Saturn will be aspecting 4 planets – Ketu, Sun, Mercury and Venus by the last week of this month. Saturn can bring many changes to everyone in this world. Click your moon sign to read how it will impact you during this month.

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